EVA Foam 101 Video 1: Where to Get the Foam
New Video Series: EVA Foam 101 Episode 1 Released TODAY If you wanted more information or links to some of these products, here they are. Places In Your Town (United States): Joanns : Has both Yaya Han Foam products in Various Thicknesses (2mm/5mm/10mm sheets of foam, scale pieces, and dowels) and Colorful Letter Size Sheets (normally for kids crafts) Link to 5mm Yaya Han Foam: https://www.joann.com/cosplay-by-yaya-han-eva-foam-sheet-24in-x-40in-x-5mm/16793606.html#q=yaya%2Bhan%2Bfoam&start=1 Link to Colorful Sheets : https://www.joann.com/primary-colored-6x9-foam-sheet-value-pack-50ct/16281826.html#q=foam%2Bsheet&start=1 Hardware Stores (Lowes and Home Depot) : Have EVA Foam mats usually for the floor or home gym. Link to Lowes Foam Mats: https://www.lowes.com/pd/Gray-Anti-Fatigue-Mat-Common-4-ft-x-4-ft-Actual-49-21-in-x-49-21-in/3111467 Link to Home Depot Foam Mats: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Stalwart-Grey-24-in-x-24-in-x-0-5-in-Interlocking-EVA-Foam-Floor-Mat-6-Pack-M550031/206989391 Local Reupholstery Places : Might sell EVA Foam or other closed cell foam. All foams are not created equal so know what kind of foam it is before purchasing. Online Options: Amazon : So many options when you look on Amazon. Here are two that I have purchased from before and used on projects. (These are Amazon Affiliate Links). Link for Large Sheet: Link for Letter Sized Sheets: TNT Cosplay : Great Company with a lot of options for foam sheet sizes and colors. Link to Main Website: https://tntcosplaysupply.com Link to Mega Sheet (Super Great Size): https://tntcosplaysupply.com/product/mega-foam-eva-38/ For International Peeps: (Hopefully I can continue to add to this list.) I have heard good things about SKS Props Foam. They are sold through Blick and ship internationally. https://www.sksprops.com/tools-materials Let me know if you have questions or want more information. Happy Making!